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I can't recommend Tracey enough. She is a very skilled healer, always professional and just lovely to be around. After each session of reflexology you feel like you have given your body a real treatment.

Initially I started seeing Tracey to help with my thyroid problems. Later I learnt that reflexology is recommended as a complementary treatment when trying to get pregnant and let's just say I didn't have to wait long to see the results :)! I continued to see her throughout my pregnancy to help alleviate the more challenging symptoms and it worked wonders. The water retention was particularly bad one time, however thanks to just one treatment the symptoms disappeared within 24 hours. Post pregnancy reflexology sessions had a different focus but I was so encouraged to see just how much they were helping in getting back into shape, restoring my energy levels, improving my mood etc. 
Reflexology is great if you are interested in giving your body a break and helping re- balance your internal organs as well as quiet and relax your mind. Granted each person reacts differently to treatments, however I am convinced that you will see a difference after few sessions.

All therapy treatments require a detailed consultation which can be completed online prior to treatment or in person pre treatment taking approximately 15 minutes. For complex conditions or pregnancy reflexology consultation can take up to 30 minutes. Consultation time is free of charge. 

Is a non-invasive holistic treatment based on the principle that reflex points on the feet, hands and the face are connected to corresponding areas throughout the body.  In this way, the area being treated can be seen as a “map” of the body's organs and systems. A reflexologist will use special massage techniques on these reflex points to bring about balance and encourage healing. 


Reflexology can be used on a regular basis as a preventative health care system, or on occasions for general relaxation. It is a remarkable therapy and can have a profound effect on your health and well-being.


The potential benefits of Reflexology are believed to include:

  • Reduced stress and improved sleep

  • Increased energy levels

  • Improved circulation

  • A stronger immune system

  • Feelings of deep relaxation

  • More efficient removal of toxins and waste

  • Release of endorphins, the body’s feel good hormones, which can help with pain relief

  • A general feeling of good health and well-being

  • Balanced hormones

Fertility and Maternity Reflexology

Reflexology can be used in conjunction with all forms of assisted conception or as a stand alone treatment to encourage natural conception. A suitable course of treatments would be discussed at consultation to provide the optimum conditions for conception, taking both partner's needs and assessment into account.


Once conception is successful then you could choose to continue treatments during pregnancy to assist and manage the many emotional and physical effects of pregnancy. All clients will have a detailed assessment/consultation to ensure that reflexology is safe and supportive during this time. . 

Fertility nd Maternity Reflexolgy

Iwona - London

Aromatherapy Massage

Is the use of aromatic plant extracts, 100% pure essential oils, in a synergistic blend, customised for your needs. The essential oils are particularly effective on your brain chemistry bringing about a sense of deep relaxation and alleviating stress, thus encouraging the healing process. The massage is very gentle and rhythmic allowing the oils to be absorbed to perform their magic. 


The symptoms and conditions aromatherapy is believed to help include:

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Chronic pain

  • Palliative care


Holistic Massage 
Holistic massage will draw on various massage techniques that take into account your emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. The treatment will be tailored specifically to your needs after a lifestyle and current health assessment is done. You will be treated to either an energising or calming massage and this will encourage your body to release toxins and cell waste while improving your circulation. The therapeutic application of touch will also encourage the mind to relax and lift your spirits on an emotional level. A great all rounder for taking some quality time out for yourself. 


Tracey provided me pregnancy and post natal reflexology. I came away from each session feeling extremely relaxed and I believe the sessions played a big part in me having a trouble free (relatively speaking) pregnancy!!


Rebecca - London

Deep Tissue Massage 
Aims to realign deeper layers of connective tissue and muscles in order to relieve pain and restore natural movement. Deep tissue starts by using a light pressure to warm up and prep the muscles and gradually a firmer pressure will be applied, using slow strokes to reach the deeper layers of muscle and fascia. The deep pressure techniques are used to break up scar tissue or adhesions that can disrupt circulation and cause pain, limited range of motion and inflammation. 
Deep tissue is usually used for specific areas of chronic pain or contraction.   
Deep Tissue
Sugar Waxing

Sugar waxing also known as Persian waxing dates back to 1900BC. It is a popular hair removal technique and many people find it less painful than traditional waxing methods. A sugar based wax is made from natural ingredients of sugar, water and lemon juice, and unlike the unnatural resin based waxes, it is easy to clean with water and gentle on the skin. As it only sticks to hair and dead skin cells you are getting a gentle exfoliation at the same time. This encourages cell renewal and can improve dry skin conditions. It is a gentle and effective hair removal method making it suitable for use on all areas including intimate areas. When coming for a treatment make sure that the area to be treated is free of creams and perfumes as this will affect the effectiveness of the sugar paste. Also if it has been a while since your last treatment be sure to trim before coming so as to avoid hair breakage.


Sugar Waxing
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